Oilfield Hoses.
Catering to the industry’s uncompromising standards, TFES’s oilfield hoses have diverse width ranges and precise performance.

Oilfield Hoses.

API-16C Choke and Kill Hose
Flexibility Level: FSL 3
H2S: NACE MR0175, Working Temperature Class III, -25°C to +121°C
Work Pressure: 5,000PSI, 10,000PSI, 15,000PSI
Sizes: 2”, 2½”, 3”, 4”
Certification: API, ABS, DNV

API-7K Rotary Drilling/Vibrator Hose
Flexibility Level: FSL 2, Working
Temperature Class II, -25°C to +100°C
Work Pressure: 5,000PSI, 7,500PSI
Sizes: 2”, 2½”, 3”, 3½”, 5”
Certification: API, ABS, DNV

API-7K Cement Hose
Flexibility Level: FSL 0, Working Temperature Class II, -25°C to +100°C
H2S: NACE MR0175, Working Temperature Class III, -25°C to +121°C
Work Pressure: 5,000PSI, 10,000PSI, 15,000PSI
Sizes: 2”, 2½”, 3”, 4”
Certification: ABS

BOP Control Hydraulic Hos
Standard: API-16D, Lloyd’s Register
Working Temperature: -40°C to +121°C
Work Pressure: 5,000PSI
Sizes: ”, ½”, 1”, 1¼”, 1½”, 2”
Certification: Lloyd’s Fire Test

Subsea BOP Stack Hose
Working Temperature: -40°C to +100°C
Work Pressure: 5,000PSI, 5,510PSI
Sizes: ½”, 1”
Certification: DNV